
In collaboration with Recruitment companies in Estonia we find work for our valuable clients. We provide our services both to recruiter companies and employers in Estonia and job seekers. This is very complex and difficult process to secure both the candidates and emplyers as well, for this reason our legal team look after whole the process for any kind of problem and illegalities. We assure our clients security, safety .

How Do I Apply for a Work Visa in Estonia?

The following is the procedure for applying for an Estonian work visa:

Registering the employment in Estonia

Your employer must register your short-term employment in Estonia. This document allows you to work in Estonia until you receive your residence permit. For your employer to apply for your short-term employment register, you must give them a copy of your passport, photo, and other required personal details. After that, you shall receive the ID code, an 11-digit number used to identify your details in Estonia..

You apply for a work visa at your local Estonian embassy.

You apply for a residency permit after entering Estonia.



PK: +92 333 9447484

Head Office

NAfees Arcade, E 11/2 Islamabad

Corporate Office

Magenta House, 5 Tyrian Place, London, E1 1DQ, UK


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