Immigration Services

Real guide immigration offers management that is well educated, competent, and has international expertise.

Real Guide Immigration attorneys represent clients seeking visas, green cards, or citizenship in another nation. They can also aid individuals who are facing deportation or removal procedures. Immigration attorneys provide a variety of services, including:

  • Visa application assistance: Immigration attorneys may assist clients in navigating the difficult process of applying for a visa, which includes filling out forms, acquiring paperwork, and submitting the application.
  • Court representation: If a client is facing deportation or removal procedures, an immigration lawyer can defend them in court and assist them fight to stay in the country.
  • Immigration law advice: Immigration attorneys may advise clients on the numerous rules and regulations that govern immigration, including changes to those laws and how they may influence the client's case.
  • Assist with citizenship applications: Immigration attorneys may assist clients in applying for citizenship in a foreign nation, including filling out forms, acquiring paperwork, and submitting the application.
  • Assist with family-based immigration: Immigration attorneys may assist clients who want to bring family members to a foreign nation, such as spouses, children, and parents.
  • Assist with employment-based immigration: Immigration attorneys may assist clients in getting a work visa or an employment-based green card, including negotiating the rigorous process of obtaining a labor certification.
  • Asylum application assistance: Immigration attorneys may assist clients who are seeking asylum in a foreign country, including filling out paperwork, acquiring documents, and filing the application.
  • Help with appeals: If a client's immigration case has been refused, an immigration lawyer may assist them in filing an appeal and fighting for their case to be reassessed.

keep in mind that this is not a complete list of the services that immigration attorneys offer, and the precise services that a lawyer offers may vary based on their area of specialty and the needs of the client.

PK: +92 333 9447484

Head Office

NAfees Arcade, E 11/2 Islamabad

Corporate Office

Magenta House, 5 Tyrian Place, London, E1 1DQ, UK


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