
Following its membership to the EU in 2007, Romania began preparations to join the Schengen region, which constitutes the final stage toward becoming a free movement zone. Until then, entering Romanian territory entails a number of limitations for both EU citizens and third-country nationals.

When crossing the border into Romania, EU/EEA/Swiss nationals do not need a visa, but they must provide a valid national passport or any document recognized by the Romanian state that proves their identity. However, one's stay on national territory cannot exceed three months. In such cases, one's residency must be recorded with the territorial offices of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI).

Until then, entering Romanian territory entails a number of limitations for both EU citizens and third-country nationals.When crossing the border into Romania, EU/EEA/Swiss nationals do not need a visa, but they must provide a valid national passport or any document recognized by the Romanian state that proves their identity. However, one's stay on national territory cannot exceed three months. In such cases, one's residency must be recorded with the territorial offices of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI).

Citizens of non-EU/EEA countries must provide a passport, a valid entrance visa, and an invitation (if applicable) at border crossings.

Work Permit

Professional activity by foreign residents on national territory is only permitted with a Work Notice or a Work Permit.


Work permits can be:

Work permit for local hires

The foreigner must be employed in Romania and sign a local employment contract.

Valid for the duration of the local employment contract, and automatically extended upon renewal of the residence permit (single permit).

Work Permit for highly trained personnel

The foreigner must be engaged in a highly skilled capacity in Romania and sign a local employment contract.

Valid for up to two years and is extendable.
Obtained under strict qualifying requirements.

The foreigner must demonstrate high-skills / credentials required for the highly-skilled occupation, as well as a remuneration that is at least twice the average gross wage.

Work permit for assignees: Valid for a maximum of one year, not extendable (due to the law's limitation of one year within a five-year term of residence in Romania for assignment reasons).

Obtained on the basis of a work contract and assignment letter provided by the employer outside of Romania.

Foreigners possessing residence permits in an EU or EEA nation or Switzerland may be seconded for a term of more than one year within five years, subject to specific restrictions.

ICT worker's work permit

Foreigners in management or specialty positions can be assigned for up to three years, while trainee workers can be assigned for up to one year.

A expert is defined as a foreigner with at least three years of relevant professional experience and technical or management knowledge that is valuable to the recipient of the services. He or she must also have at least six months of consecutive experience in the same firm or group of companies.

Trainees must have at least three months of consecutive experience with the same firm or group of enterprises.

Foreigners with ICT licenses issued by other EU member states may conduct activities in Romania.



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