
We offer assistance and advice to our esteemed customers in the following disciplines to jumpstart your career with tailor-made success approaches.

We offer assistance and advice to our esteemed customers in the following disciplines to jumpstart your career with tailor-made success approaches.

Young immigrants, in particular, are flocking to Germany, potentially closing the predicted deficit caused by the low birth rate. Germany will have 83,2 million inhabitants in 2021, with an average age of 44,7 years. Due to low birth rates, the younger generation in Germany cannot quantitatively replace their parents' generation. Because they are typically younger than the average German, immigrants have the potential to close this demographic gap by remaining in the German labor market for an extended period of time, alleviating the shortage of qualified workers and contributing to prosperity and economic success if they have the necessary qualifications.

Plenty of potential for expansion - The issuance of residence permits to qualified migrants:
For Highly skilled workers, Researchers, self Employment there is more chances to get residence tiltes.

Well-trained and educated professionals are receiving an increasing number of residence titles. As a result, the EU Blue Card's importance is growing.

Invite your family.

Children of all ages are welcomed in Germany. Workers with a residency or settlement permit, particularly those with an EU Blue Card for Germany, can easily bring their families with them if their accommodations are spacious enough, the family's livelihood is stable, and the spouse is of legal age. 104,640 visas for family reunification were issued in 2021 (source: BAMF, 2023).

Categories of Work Visas
The EU Blue Card.
These are the essential standards you must meet at a glance:
  • You have a legal work contract with a German firm.
  • You have a university degree that is recognized in Germany (either according to the anabin database or a Statement of Comparability).
  • Your university degree is appropriate for the job you want to get.
  • You meet ONE of the following requirements:
  • Your annual income will be at least €43,800 (in 2023) / €45,300 (in 2024).
  • Your monthly wage will be at least €39,682.80 (as of 2023) / €41,041.80 (as of 2024), and you have received your university degree within the past three years.
  • Your annual wage will be at least €39,682.80 (as of 2023) / €41,041.80 (as of 2024), and you have received your university diploma within the past three years.
  • Your annual wage will be at least €39,682.80 (in 2023) / €41,041.80 (in 2024), and you will work in a bottleneck profession (e.g., IT, STEM). A list of bottleneck occupations may be found HERE.
  • Employment Opportunities for Skilled Workers with a University Degree (NO EU Blue Card).
  • Employment for Vocationally Qualified Skilled Workers.
  • Vocational Education.
  • Looking for Skilled Labor.
  • Research.
  • Self-employment and freelancing are also options.
  • Volunteer work.
  • Specialty Au-Pair Employment Measure of Cook Recognition for a Foreign Qualification
  • IT Specialists with Work Experience Can Apply


PK: +92 333 9447484

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